Armènia flag Armènia: Entorn econòmic

Dret mercantil a Armènia

Legal Framework

Independence of Justice
The judiciary is not fully independent and is subject to political pressure from the executive branch. The new constitution of 2005 increased the power of the legislative branch and allowed for more independence of the judiciary. However, corruption is still present.
Equal Treatment of Nationals and Foreigners
The principle of equal treatment is laid down as a fundamental right in the Constitution. According to this text, everyone is equal before the law.
The Language of Justice
The judicial language in the country is Armenian, though Russian is also widely used.
Recourse to an Interpreter
There is no particular framework for a non-speaking defendant case in a court of justice in Armenia.

 Independent interpreters can be reached mainly in big cities and can be helpful in a court case.

Sources of the Law and Legal Similarities
The Constitution (adopted in 1995, amended in 2005) is the main source of the law in the country. 
Checking National Laws Online
Ministry of Justice
Armenian Young Lawyers Association

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