Azerbaidjan flag Azerbaidjan: Compra i venda

Identificar un proveïdor a Azerbaidjan

Industrial and Manufacturing Profile

The Azerbaijani industry is dominated by the production of petrol. The city of Baku is the regional centre in the production of petrol. Approximately 30% of the active population works in the industrial sector: mining, extraction and petrol refining, aluminum, gas, etc. The light industry occupies an equally important place, amongst which being the food and textile industries.

Sector-specific professional associations

24 professional associations listed for Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani multisector Business directories

Azerbaijan International Business Directory - List of Azerbaijan International advertisers which have established offices in Baku

Azerbaijan YP - Azeri business directory - Azeri business directory

ezilon Europe - Azeri business directory - Azeri business directory - Azeri business directory

Azerbaijani Marketplaces

Sample of marketplaces incorporated in Azerbaijan (A to Z)


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Upcoming Trade shows in Azerbaijan

May 1st, 2024
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Real estate
May 1st, 2024
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Real estate
May 1st, 2024
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Real estate
May 2nd, 2024
Hygiene, perfumes, cosmetics - Textiles, ready-to-wear - Fashion, ready to wear - Shoe - Hosiery, lingerie, underwear - Hydrotherapy, thalassotherapy - Aesthetics, hairdressing
May 15th, 2024
Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Products and services for weddings - Amusement parks, fairgrounds - Hotels, accommodation - Restaurants, home deliveries - Cafes, bars, nightclubs - Travel, exhibitions, incentives - Monuments, tourist attractions - Camping, resorts
May 15th, 2024
Agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry - Agriculture - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Machine tools, agricultural machinery
May 15th, 2024
Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Wines, spirits - Products and services for weddings - Hotels, accommodation - Restaurants, home deliveries - Cafes, bars, nightclubs
May 22nd, 2024
Handicraft - Furnishings, household equipment and arts - Furnishings, household equipment and arts: unspecified - Furnishings - Household equipment - Processed wood
June 4th, 2024
Automobiles, lorries - Automobile manufacturing, lorries - Transportation, logistics, handling - Air transport, airports - Maritime transport, river transport, cruises - Road transport - Rail transport - Logistics, handling - Freight

To see 52 more, check out our Trade shows database

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Actualitzacions: April 2024

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