Convenció internacional i procediments duaners a Bangla Desh
International Conventions
Member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Party to the Kyoto Protocol Party to the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Party to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Party to the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
International Economic Cooperation
Member of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), as well as of thepreferentialtrade agreements (SAPTA)andFree Trade Area (SAFTA)associated with the Association. Member of theGroup of 8Developing Countries(G-8). Member of theBay of BengalInitiative forMultisectoralTechnical and EconomicCooperation (BIMSTEC). Member of theAsia-PacificTradeAgreement (APTA).
Non Tariff Barriers
Non-tariff barriersincluderegistration procedures andother regulatory requirements, whichoftenimpedeaccess to the market.
Customs Duties and Taxes on Imports
Customs Classification
Bangladeshapplies the HarmonizedCommodity CodingSystem.
Import Procedures
Documents required for importation include a letter of credit authorisation form, a bill of lading or airway bill, a commercial invoice or packing list, and a certificate of origin. For certain imported items or services, additional certifications or import permits related to health, security or other matters are required by the relevant government agencies. Reduced documentation requirements apply to the public sector.
Foreign companiesmustobtain authorization from theChief Controllerof Imports and Exportsand provide the followingdocuments:photocopyof an importregistration certificate;photocopiesof invoices, bills of lading,andimport permitduly certifiedby the bank;a copy of the certificateof theGeneralIndex Register(GIR);certified copyof the lasttaxorder;name anddescriptionof each importeditem with thequantity and approximateCIFvalue.
Private sectorimporters must providethe following documents:certificate of affiliation toa chamber of commerceandlocal industryrecordedor professional associationestablishedin Bangladesh;proof of payment ofrenewal feesfor an importregistration certificate(IRC) for thetax year;copy of a certificateoftax identification number(TIN);three copies of the proof of payment of the previous year's income tax.
Importing Samples
Importing samples requires an import licence or an authorisation.
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