Botswana flag Botswana: Entorn econòmic

Pràctiques empresarials a Botswana

Opening hours and bank holidays

General Information
Opening Hours and Days
45 hours (a nine-hour five-day week) per week or alternatively an eight hour six day. Persons employed solely to watch over any property of the industry can work 10 hours a day or up to 60 hours a week. A rest day at least 24 consecutive hours, (typically Sunday), is given in every period of seven consecutive days. Local government/business hours are commonly from 7:30-12:45 and 13:45-16:30.

Public Holidays

New Year's Day January 1
Good Friday March 30 (Friday before Easter Sunday)
Easter Monday April 2 (Monday after Easter Sunday)
Labour Day May 1
Ascension May 10 (40 days after Easter)
Sir Seretse Khama Day July 1
President's Day July 16  (Third Monday in July)
Botswana Day September 30
Christmas Day December 25
Boxing Day December 26
Holiday Compensation
If a public holiday falls on a non-work day, Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday is substituted as a public holiday.

Periods When Companies Usually Close

Closure for Easter End of March - Early April
Closure for Christmas End of December

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Actualitzacions: April 2024

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