Organitzar el transport de mercaderies des de i cap Brasil
Main Useful Means of Transport
Road transport is the most widely used method of transport in Brazil, particularly for goods traded with South American countries. A study conducted by the Brazilian National Transportation Confederation (Confederação Nacional do Transporte - CNT) shows that the road transportation represents 60% of the cargo handling in Brazil. Practically all the State capitals are linked by paved roads and major states (including São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) have expressways. According to CNT, the latest survey in 2018 indicated 1.7 million kilometers of roads in the country, of which approximately 12% are paved. Of all the roads, the vast majority are state and municipal controlled, 95.1%, while 4.9% are federal. Rail transit is the second most frequently used method of transportation, the railroad system totals approximately 30,000 kilometers. Only 7% of railway lines are electrified. Despite the enormous potential for river traffic, only 13% of cargo is transported through waterways. Transport by sea is widely used as costs are reduced. With a coastline stretching for 8.5 thousand kilometres navigable, in 2019 Brazilian ports moved around 1,104 billion tonnes of a wide variety of imported and exported goods. Brazil's large cities are well served by air, but this type of goods transport is not very developed, mainly because of the high cost. It represents less than 5% of the Brazilian foreign trade.
Overall, Brazilian transportation infrastructure faces many challenges, as roads and ports need to be upgraded. However, the transportation sector was among the sectors showing the highest economic growth.
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