Camerun flag Camerun: Compra i venda

Convenció internacional i procediments duaners al Camerun

International Conventions
Party to the Kyoto Protocol
Party to the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
International Economic Cooperation
Cameroon is open to a large extent to international trade. It is a member of the Commonwealth as well as that of the Franc Zone. In order to facilitate trade relations, these countries have signed treaties and agreements to simplify trade. In this way Cameroon has signed agreement with the European Union.

It should also be noted that Cameroon also has trade agreements with countries such as Tunisia, Nigeria and China.

Non Tariff Barriers
There are three categories of imported products: free products which do not incur any restriction, products requiring a technical visa or a certificate of conformity from a competent Ministry (Health, Security....) and products which are prohibited in the entire territory of Cameroon. However, every import must be controlled before its loading. This control relates to quality, quantity and price.
Customs Duties and Taxes on Imports
Cameroon is part of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) that has the following countries as its members : Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Chad. Countries belonging to the CEMAC are acquitted of duties and taxes as defined in the Common Exterior Tariff (TEC), whatever may be the entry point in the CEMAC. Custom duty rates are applicable according to the category of the imported product :
- primary necessary goods : category I, 0%
- raw materials and equipment goods : category II, 10%
- Intermediary and miscellaneous goods : category III, 20%
- Fast-moving consumer goods : category IV, 30%.
To determine the category of your product, you can consult the Customs Nomenclature in force in Cameroon (conforming to the Harmonized System).
Customs Classification
Cameroon is part of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) that has the following countries as its members : Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Chad. Countries belonging to the CEMAC are acquitted of duties and taxes as defined in the Common Exterior Tariff (TEC), whatever may be the entry point in the CEMAC.

Custom duty rates are applicable according to the category of the imported product :

- primary necessary goods : category I, 0%
- raw materials and equipment goods : category II, 10%
- Intermediary and miscellaneous goods : category III, 20%
- Fast-moving consumer goods : category IV, 30%.

To determine the category of your product, you can consult the Customs Nomenclature in force in Cameroon (conforming to the Harmonized System).

Import Procedures
All the import procedures are gathered at the Guichet unique des opérations du commerce extérieur (GUCE). This one-stop-shop gathers all the services involved in the import process. Procedures for importing and exporting goods to Cameroon include formalities for obtaining the status of importer/exporter involving registration in the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register, obtaining the trader card and professional exporter/importer card.
The import process involves five steps:

  • prior export request;
  • securing the certificate of origin;
  • Inspection before shipment;
  • technical procedures;
  • import domiciliation.

The procedure for import customs clearance involves six main steps:

  • goods bonding
  • filing of the goods accounting
  • declaration recording
  • inspection
  • duty settlement
  • goods collection

For more information, please visit the website of Cameroonian Customs.


To go further, check out our service Import Controls and Export Controls.

For Further Information
Cameroon Customs
Business Portal for Africa

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Actualitzacions: April 2024

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