Emirats Àrabs Units flag Emirats Àrabs Units: Entorn econòmic

Dret mercantil als Emirats Àrabs Units

Legal Framework

Independence of Justice
The judicial system is not independent.
Equal Treatment of Nationals and Foreigners
The judicial system of the country does not guarantee impartial justice to foreign nationals.
The Language of Justice
Classical Arabic is the official language of the courts. Gulf Arabic and English can be used in all federal courts. In local courts, only Arabic is used.
Recourse to an Interpreter
Recourse to an interpreter is possible.
Sources of the Law and Legal Similarities
The two main sources of law are the Sharia (Islamic law), applied to matters of personal status and certain criminal cases, and civil law for other cases. In some emirates, commercial disputes can be judged by Sharia courts.

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Actualitzacions: February 2025

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