Espanya flag Espanya: Compra i venda

Publicitat i Màrqueting a Espanya

Marketing opportunities

Consumer Profile
The median age has risen sharply since 1970 and reached 45.8 years in 2022. The population is ageing very quickly and decreased by -0.04% between 2021 and 2022. Around 11.8% of the population is under 13 while 67.5% of the population is between 13 to 65 years old and 20.7% is over 65 years old (Data Reportal, 2022). On average, households are made up of 2.5 people in 2020; with 26.35% of households made up of only one person, 30.24% of two persons, 20.48% of three persons, 17.03% of four persons, and 5.91% of five persons or more (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica). Around 50.8% of the population are women. About 81.3% of the population lives in urban areas. Most of the population lives in the agglomerations along the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, but also in Madrid, Seville and Zaragoza. The three main cities in terms of population are Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. The OECD estimates that 47.4% of adults aged 25 to 34 have a tertiary degree in Spain compared to 45.5% on average across OECD countries. On average, 36.4% of all upper secondary students enroll in Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes in Spain, a lower proportion than the OECD average of 42.5%. Some 20.3% of the active population are working as service and sales workers, 19.6% are professionals, 12.4% have elementary occupations, 12% are technicians, 10.6% are craft workers, 10.6% are clerical support workers, 7.7% are plant and machine operators, 4% are managers, and 2.2% are agricultural workers (Eurostat, 2021).
Purchasing Power
The GDP per capita PPP is $ 37,756.4 in 2020, according to the latest data by the World Bank. Data from Spain’s statistical institute (INE, 2019) shows Spanish workers earn an average of €24,396 a year. The average gross salary for men is 26,934 euros, whereas for women is only 21,682 euros. The Gini index on income inequality is 34.3 in 2019 (World Bank). Purchasing power parity in Spain has been decreasing the last few years since wage developments have not kept pace with rising prices. According to the World Bank, in 2020, the purchasing power parity was 0.61 LCU per international dollars. In Spain, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 27,155 a year, less than the OECD average of USD 30,490 a year. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, private consumption dropped by -12% in volume in 2020, but it rebounded to 4.4% in 2021 (OECD).
Consumer Behaviour
Spain is a consumer society. As a result of the economic crisis and the level of unemployment, price has become one of the main purchase determinants. The ease of payment, promotions and effective customer service are other key factors. On average, the Spanish shops two to three times a week, although around 50% of sales take place on the weekend. Price hypersensitivity results in a lack of brand loyalty. 75% of Spaniards look for a bargain before buying something, while a quarter leave their regular retailer if they find lower prices elsewhere.

Television is one of the best media in Spain when it comes to spreading the news about brands. 99.7% of Spaniards own a television, but the television advertising industry is competitive and expensive. Radio is also very popular, as 60% of Spaniards listen to radio every day for at least two hours. About 85% of Internet users between the ages of 16 and 65 are active on social networks, and the opinion of an influencer or other consumers will sometimes influence purchasing decisions. Spaniards are among the Europeans most concerned about personal data protection with over 50% expressing their lack in confidence (Statista).

On average, Spaniards spend 328 euros a month on food and 554 euros a year on fashion items (Mordor Intelligence, 2020). There are 43.9 million internet users in Spain, making ecommerce a huge market. Ecommerce market value was estimated at USD 27 billion in 2021, and the most popular purchases on the internet are fashion items (ecommerceDB). Spain has embraced mobile shopping, which was estimated to account for 73% of e-commerce sales in 2021 (Ditrendia). Even if the imported products are widely consumed in Spain, the national products inspired by Spanish culture (in the packaging for example) are generally preferred.

Responsible consumption is developing in Spain. The number of consumers looking for more responsible products, traceability and better quality is increasing. The second-hand market is becoming increasingly popular among Spanish consumers. Collaborative economy platforms are developing in Spain and the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) has been supportive. Almost half of the surveyed Spaniards answered that they used the second-hand app Wallapop to purchase this type of products.
Consumers Associations
OCU , Organisation for Consumers and Users
CECU , Confédération des consommateurs et utilisateurs
FACUA , Federation of Active Consumers
Main Advertising Agencies
Publicidad Supra
J.C. Decaux España
McCann World Group
Double You
Medios Outlet

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Actualitzacions: February 2025

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