After experiencing an economic downturn, the Estonian economy rebounded strongly. Disposable income has increased consistently, with a USD 26,470 GDP per capita in 2021 (IMF). As a result, consumer expenditure rose by 3.2% in 2019 (OECD). Estonians are more comfortable turning to consumer credit to fund purchases, particularly for durable goods. The real estate market is healthy and the demand for mortgages remains strong. Businesses and most logistic services are concentrated in and around the capital city, Tallinn.
Consumer Behaviour
Estonia has moved from a centrally planned economy to a modern and liberalized system. Therefore, consumers' behaviour has also changed over the years. Estonian consumers remain price-sensitive, however, the growth in disposable income fueled consumer spending. The Estonian market is relatively small and is characterized by an ageing population (the median age is around 43.7 years - CIA World Factbook, 2020 est.), with the “silver surfers” sector expected to become more and more crucial in the market. Consumers are familiar with E-commerce and social media, therefore the internet generally has a strong impact on Estonians’ purchasing decisions. As in the country there is a wide choice of foreign brands, consumers don’t necessarily buy Estonian products, though they prefer to buy local when it comes to foodstuff.
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