Etiòpia flag Etiòpia: Compra i venda

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Industrial and Manufacturing Profile

In 2016, industry represented 22,2% of the total GDP of Ethiopia. While Ethiopia's industrial sector engages primarily in food processing, it also produces sugar, alcohol and soft drinks, cigarettes, cotton and textiles, footwear, soap, ethyl alcohol, and quicklime. Cement production is also significant. Industrial facilities are concentrated around Addis Ababa, depend heavily on agricultural inputs, and primarily serve the domestic market. Ethiopia has few proven oil and natural gas reserves, although the potential of these industries is seen as promising.

Sector-specific professional associations

67 professional associations listed for Ethiopia.

Ethiopian multisector Business directories

2Merkato - Business directory in Ethiopia, by category

AddisBiz - Business directory with information about businesses and companies in Ethiopia - Ethiopia business directory

Afrikta - Ethiopia business directory

AllAboutEthio - Ethiopian online business directory

ET Yellow Pages - Ethiopian Yellow Pages

Ethiopia Yellow Pages - Ethiopia business directory

Ethiopia YP - Ethiopia business directory

Ethiovisit - Addis Ababa business directory - Ethiopia business directory


To see 4 more, check out our Business Directories database.

Ethiopian Marketplaces

Sample of marketplaces incorporated in Ethiopia (A to Z)


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Upcoming Trade shows in Ethiopia

To see 0 more, check out our Trade shows database

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Actualitzacions: April 2024

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