Organitzar el transport de mercaderies des de i cap Finlàndia
Main Useful Means of Transport
The infrastructure in Finland is very well-developed and the transportation system is based on an efficient rail and road network. Finland has over 50 merchant shipping ports, 23 of them are open year round and more than 10 are located on inland waterways connected to the Baltic Sea by the Saimaa Canal. Ports are secure and automated with loading and unloading operations consistently quick and trouble-free. The rail system is well-functioning and the rail gauge in Finland is the same as in Russia making the country a good transshipment point for Russian trade. The most useful means for international transportation of goods is by sea, unlike the most recommended means for domestic transportation being by rail and road. According to Statistics Finland, measured by tonnes, 1% fewer goods were transported by lorries in domestic and international transport in 2019 than in the previous year (266 million tonnes of goods in domestic transport, 4.5 million tonnes in international transport). During 2019, the goods volume of foreign sea transport decreased by 2% y-o-y, totalling 101.3 million tonnes (53.3 million tonnes in exports and 48 million tonnes in imports).
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