Irlanda flag Irlanda: Invertir a Irlanda

Marc d'inversió i oportunitats a Irlanda

Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment

Freedom of Establishment
Foreign companies and investors have the same rights as local ones. In fact, the Irish investment regime remains among the least restrictive in the world.
Acquisition of Holdings
Foreign and local investors enjoy the same rights. In case of state-owned Irish companies, however, residents may be given priority in share allocations over all other investors.
Obligation to Declare
A formal screening process for foreign investment in Ireland is still being developed. Any company incorporated abroad that establishes a branch in Ireland must file register with the Companies Registration Office. The registration must take place within one month of the establishment of the branch in the country.
Competent Organisation For the Declaration
Companies Registration Office
Requests For Specific Authorisations
Potential investors are required to examine the environmental impact of the proposed project and to meet with Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials.

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Actualitzacions: April 2024

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