Kuwait flag Kuwait: Entorn econòmic

Estàndards industrials i comercials a Kuwait


National Standards Organisations
Standards and Regulations of the Public Authority for Industry, State of Kuwait.
Standarization Organization for the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Integration in the International Standards Network
All products must comply with the Kuwaiti standards (Kuwaiti Standard Specification, KSS). If there are no specific standards applicable in Kuwait, then the Gulf countries' standards must be applied (Gulf Standard Specifications, GSO).  The countries that form the Gulf Cooperation Council have created an organization responsible for the standardization: The GCC Standardization Organization, of which Kuwait is a member.  Its goal is to unify  the standards of all the Gulf's countries in order to create a free-trade zone following the European Union's model. The Public Authority for Industry also represents Kuwait in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML).
Classification of Standards
ISO, GSO or KSS followed by 5 digits, a hyphen, another digit, sometimes another hyphen and a digit.
Online Consultation of Standards
They are available for certain products on the site Industrial Public Authority  or on the site Standardization Organization for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GSO).
Certification Organisations
The Public Authority for Industry (PAI) is charged to issue the certificates.

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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