Luxemburg flag Luxemburg: Compra i venda

Publicitat i Màrqueting a Luxemburg

Marketing opportunities

Consumer Profile
With a GDP per capita of USD 131,780 (IMF, 2021), Luxembourgers are the wealthiest consumers in the world. Nonetheless, the growth in economic activity has slowed down in recent years and the gap between Luxembourgian and European consumers has narrowed. The former remains by far the biggest spender in the EU, however, consumption increases at a slower rate than in the rest of the Union: the Luxembourgian spent on average 35% more than their European counterpart in 2019 as opposed to 40% more in 2014 (Eurostat, latest data available).

The Luxembourgian population is more dynamic than the EU average as many European citizens immigrate to the country to enjoy high living standards and income levels. The median age is 39.5 years (EU average 43.9 years) (Eurostat, 2020) and the population growth rate rose to 1.94% in 2019 (EU average 0.16%) (World Bank, latest data available).
Consumer Behaviour
Luxembourgian consumer attaches great importance to product quality, which is a determining factor for purchase, ahead of seller's quality of service and price. They also value the brand's reputation and the ergonomic design of durable consumer products. Nonetheless, they are sensitive to promotional offers when it comes to products of daily consumption.
The consumer confidence index, which is traditionally high, had been on the decline since early 2018 as households' expectations about the general economic situation in Luxembourg had deteriorated. However, ever since mid-2020 it started increasing again.
The luxembourgian consumer has shown less interest in e-commerce than their neighbours as the share of online shopping in enterprises' turnover stood at 15% in 2020, as opposed to 31% in Belgium, 44% in Ireland and 23% in France (Eurostat). Nevertheless, the Government Council of Luxembourg has decided to launch a nationwide online shopping platform to encourage local wholesalers that do not engage in any e-commerce activity to go online.
Consumers Associations
The Luxembourg Consumers Union (ULC)
European Consumer Center of Luxembourg
Main Advertising Agencies
Mikado Publicis
IP Luxembourg
Fish and Chips

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Actualitzacions: September 2024

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