Convenció internacional i procediments duaners a Macedònia del Nord
International Economic Cooperation
Member of CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement). It also has Free Trade agreements with Turkey and Ukraine, and Stabilization and Association agreements with the European Union.
Non Tariff Barriers
Non-tariff barriers have been suppressed.
Customs Duties and Taxes on Imports
Customs duty's average rate is less than 7%, on a downward trend. Maximum tax is 60%. It is applied to products such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, beverages and tobacco. Minimum tax is 0%, applied to materials used for the industry of textiles.
Customs Classification
Classification is based on the Harmonized System Codes (HS Code).
Import Procedures
In order to import products to FYROM, the following documents must be submitted: - Single Administrative Document (DAU or SAD); - The invoice indicating price and quantity; - Documents attesting the application of preferential rates: Certificate of origin, etc.; - Shipping documents: bill of lading, etc.; - Insurance; - Packing list.
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