Madagascar flag Madagascar: Entorn econòmic

Pràctiques empresarials a Madagascar

Opening hours and bank holidays

General Information
Culture Crossing, Site specialized in intercultural communication.
Opening Hours and Days
The typical business hours in Madagascar are from 8:30am to 5pm. Monday to Friday, with a lunch break between noon and 1pm. Most offices work from 9am to noon on Saturdays.
Banks generally work from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Public Holidays

New Year's Day Janurary 1st
Women's Day March 8th
Commemoration of the Anti-Colonial Revolt of 1947 March 29
Easter Sunday-Easter Monday April 21st-22nd
Labor Day May 1st
Africa's Day 
Organization of African Unity (O.A.U.)
May 25
Ascension Day May 30
Whit Monday 50 days after Easter
Id al Fitr June 4
Independence Day June 26
Id al Adha August 11
Ascension Day August 15
All Saint's Day November 1st
Christmas Day December 25
Holiday Compensation
The law does not provide for a compensation day in case a holiday falls on a non-working day.
If a person has to work during a holiday, he/she is generally entitled to 150% of the normal pay (140% in case of weekly day off).

Periods When Companies Usually Close

Christmas/End of the year holidays from December 25 to the beginning of January
Closure for Easter end of March/Early April

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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