Mauritània flag Mauritània: Compra i venda

Organitzar el transport de mercaderies des de i cap Mauritània

Main Useful Means of Transport
Many imported products come through the ports of Nouakchott or Nouadhibou. The roadway network is 10 300 km long, of which 2424 km are tarred, 872 km are made of improved earth and 7001 km are trails. The network is dangerous, especially during nights and due to many wandering animals, absence of lighting and heavy-weight trucks parked on fire lanes. River way transportation is possible of the Senegal river. Concerning railroads, they serve the north of the country and are used essentially to convoy the extracted minerals from the different northern mines.
The Maritime Affairs Research and Coordination Cell of the Ministry of Transportation
Directory of Mauritanian airports
Sea Transport Organisations
Information about the autonomous ports of Nouadhibou and Nouakchott
Air Transport Organisations
Coordination Cell for the new Nouakchott Airport, supervised by the Ministry of Transportation
Road Transport Organisations
General Direction of Road Transportation and the direction of roadway security, under the direction of Ministry of Transportation
Rail Transport Organisations
National Industrial and Mining Society managing the Zouérate-Nouadhibou line (in French)

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Actualitzacions: April 2024

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