Nova Zelanda flag Nova Zelanda: Compra i venda

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Industrial and Manufacturing Profile

New Zealand's economy was built upon on a narrow range of primary products, such as wool, meat and dairy products. The economy has traditionally been based on a foundation of exports from its very efficient agricultural system. New Zealand is one of the largest global exporters of dairy products in the world. The country also exports a large volume of beef, lamb, wool, produce and wine. Agriculture in general and the dairy sector in particular have enjoyed many new trade opportunities in the past 20 years. The services sector makes up 69% of the GDP, this includes financial services, real estate and tourism.

The country has substantial hydroelectric power, which contributes 55% of the country's electricity. New Zealand also has sizable reserves of natural gas. Leading manufacturing sectors are food processing, metal fabrication, and wood and paper products. Some manufacturing industries, many of which had only been established in a climate of import substitution with high tariffs and subsidies, such as car assembly, have completely disappeared, and manufacturing's importance in the economy is in a general decline.

Sector-specific professional associations

31 professional associations listed for New Zealand.

New Zealand multisector Business directories

Finda - New Zealand's business directory, listings and reviews

Finda - Businesses in New Zealand.

Industry Search - Australia and New-Zealand database

New Zealand Yellow Pages - Business directory in New Zealand.

NZ Search - Directory of the New Zealand web

NZPages - Website directory of New Zealand

NZSB - New Zealand's small business directory

Te Awamutu Local Directory - Directory of various businesses

Zipleaf - Business directory for several countries in the world

New Zealand Marketplaces

Sample of marketplaces incorporated in New Zealand (A to Z)


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Upcoming Trade shows in New Zealand

February 4th, 2025
Architecture - Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Robotics
February 11th, 2025
Architecture - Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Robotics
March 2nd, 2025
Furnishings - Household equipment - Iconography, various prints - Toys, games, gifts - Home and garden services - Home services - Gardens, parks
May 23rd, 2025
Medical professions - Hospital - Pharmacies, analysis laboratories - Dental - Medical Equipment - Technique and technology
May 28th, 2025
Plastics, rubber - Mechanical, precision - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Robotics - Precision, measures, optics, watches - Hardware, tools, accessories - Professional hardware - Packaging, packing, conditioning - Raw materials, materials, metals - Metallurgy, steel, foundry - Software - Engineering - Transportation, logistics, handling - Air transport, airports - Maritime transport, river transport, cruises - Road transport - Rail transport - Logistics, handling - Freight
June 8th, 2025
Furnishings, household equipment and arts - Furnishings, household equipment and arts: unspecified - Furnishings - Household equipment - Household hardware - Electronic equipment and components - Toys, games, gifts - Monuments, tourist attractions
June 25th, 2025
Multimedia - Education, training - Primary and secondary education - Higher Education - Learning - Technical education, vocational education - Vocational training - Software - Digital solutions, Mobile applications - Social science - Social studies - Services and business consulting - Accounting, taxation - Management - Translation - Legal - Job training, unemployment
June 29th, 2025
Viticulture - Wholesale, B2B intermediaries - Retail, distribution - Retail business - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Wines, spirits - Products and services for weddings - Tourism, travel, hotels, restaurants: non-specialist - Hotels, accommodation - Restaurants, home deliveries - Cafes, bars, nightclubs - Camping, resorts - e-commerce
July 1st, 2025
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Real estate - Furnishings - Household equipment - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Robotics
July 15th, 2025
Construction, real estate, architecture and urban planning - Architecture - Land planning, urban planning - Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Real estate - Furnishings - Household equipment - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Robotics

To see 52 more, check out our Trade shows database

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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