Panamà flag Panamà: Entorn econòmic

Estàndards industrials i comercials a Panamà


National Standards Organisations
COPANIT, Panama Committee of Industrial and Technical Standards.
Integration in the International Standards Network
Panama is a member country of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), of the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), of the International Eletrotechnical Commission (IEC) and of the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT).
Classification of Standards
Panama's standards are the COPANIT. The body responsible for standardization is the Panama Commission of Industrial and Technical Standards (COPANIT, in Spanish), which is under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and whose executive body is the DGNTI (Management of Standards and Industrial Technology). 
Online Consultation of Standards
Standards can be consulted on the DGNTI (in Spanish) (Directorate of Standards and Industrial Technology, link in Spanish) website, the executive body of the COPANIT (Panama Commission of Industrial and Technical Standards).
Certification Organisations
DGNTI (in Spanish) Directorate of Standards and Industrial Technology.

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Actualitzacions: November 2024

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