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Publicitat i Màrqueting a Perú

Marketing opportunities

Consumer Profile
Although there is still a wide income disparity gap, strong economic growth in recent years has resulted in consumers enjoying rising levels of disposable income which, in turn, have spurred demand for a wide range of modern products and services. Consumer confidence is among the highest in the region: over the last 20 years, the country’s GDP grew at an annual rate that reached a maximum of 9.1 % in 2008 and then stabilized to 2.2 % in 2019 (IMF). Overall, Peruvians' income has tripled so far since 2000. However, Peru's urban and coastal communities have benefited much more from recent economic growth than rural, Afro-Peruvian, indigenous, and poor populations of the Amazon and mountain regions. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics of Peru, the poverty rate has decreased significantly during the last decade but remains high at about 20.2% in 2019 (more than 40.8% in rural areas).
Consumer Behaviour
Peruvian consumer behaviour has evolved considerably over the last decade, especially thanks to the use of the Internet, and is now more exigent and more inclined to share his experiences with a certain brand or product so that if they do not meet his expectations, he is likely to complain.
Peruvians are rational consumers, thus quality is the main driver when making a purchase decision. Brand awareness is high in the case of durable goods, while for everyday products availability and price are the most important factors. Peruvian consumers actively seek promotions and discounts, and this is one of the reasons why e-commerce is growing at a fast pace. Consumers are also spending more on leisure activities, although security concerns have prompted many to stay at home more often.
Consumers Associations
Peruvian association of consumers and users (Aspec)
Main Advertising Agencies
J. Walter Thompson Company
Grey Perù

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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