Organitzar el transport de mercaderies des de i cap Portugal
Main Useful Means of Transport
According to the latest data provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Estatísticas dos Transportes e Comunicações 2019), as of December 31, 2019, the Portuguese railway network was 3,620.7 km in length. The railway stock was comprised of 377 traction vehicles, 2,684 wagons and 1,008 vehicles for the transport of passengers. In 2019, goods moved by railway transport (9.7 million tonnes) registered a variation of -8.4%, of which 7.4 million tonnes of goods were moved in national traffic. The results of the Road Goods Transport Survey (ITRM) for the year 2019 showed a decrease of 2.2% in the weight of goods transported by road to 154.4 million tonnes. The movement of goods in national seaports stood at 85.3 million tonnes (of which 72.7 million tonnes in international traffic), decreasing by 5.6% y-o-y. Sines handled 38.9 million tonnes and represented 45.6% of the national total, followed by Leixões (21.0% of the total) and Lisbon (12.3%). Concerning airports, there was a 12% increase in freight movement, reaching a total of 193.0 thousand tonnes in 2019.
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