Puerto Rico flag Puerto Rico: Invertir a Puerto Rico

Marc d'inversió i oportunitats a Puerto Rico

Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment

Freedom of Establishment
Puerto Rico recognizes a wide range of business forms, from basic sole proprietorships and general partnerships to special purpose corporate forms and limited liability companies.

Quoting issues of national security, the federal government restricts foreign investment in transport, utilities, banking, communications, finance, nuclear energy and defense.

Acquisition of Holdings
A majority holding interest in the capital of a local company is legal.
Obligation to Declare
Except for sole proprietorships that do not employ anyone (other than the sole proprietor), every entity engaged in a trade or business in Puerto Rico must obtain a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by filling Form SS-4. Upon obtaining an EIN, the entity must file with the P.R. Department of Treasury a Form SC-4809, a copy of the certificate of incorporation and a copy of Form SS-4.

All merchants seeking to engage in a trade or business in Puerto Rico must register with the Registry of Businesses at the Puerto Rico Treasury Department at least 30 days prior to commencing business operations. 

All businesses operating in Puerto Rico must register with the Compulsory Business Registry by July 15 of each year.

Within 30 days of commencing operations, a business must provide written notice to the Director of Finance of each municipality in which it has commenced opeartions and request a provisional license for the quarter in which it commences operations.

To learn more about the registration obligation, please visit the Guide of the Government of Puerto Rico on Doing Business.

Competent Organisation For the Declaration
U.S. - Internal Revenue Service
Registration Portal - Government of Porto Rico
Requests For Specific Authorisations
Due to reasons of national security, the federal government restricts foreign investment in transport, public services, banking, communications, finance, nuclear energy and defense. The portorican law also restricts foreign investment in the insurance sector.

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Investment Opportunities

Investment Aid Agency
Grand Thornton Guide on Doing Business in Porto Rico
Tenders, Projects and Public Procurement
Government Bids - Puerto Rico, Bids in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico bids network, Bids in Puerto Rico
Tenders worldwide, Tenders worldwide
Other Useful Resources
Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Trade
Puerto Rico Government Development Bank

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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