The purchasing power in Romania is one of the lowest in the EU (USD 12,757.5 - World Bank, 2020). Nonetheless, the Romanian consumer market has grown significantly in recent years and stood at EUR 135.5 billion at the end of 2019 (Eurostat). Purchases of food and non-alcoholic beverages account for 33.7% of total consumption expenditure, followed by housing and energy costs, which represent 16.4% of expenditure (Romanian National Institute of Statistics, 2020). The Romanian population is ageing, marked by declining birth rates and an increase in the share of older people. According to CIA World Factbook, among the 21.2 million Romanians, 14.12% of the population is 0-14 years old whereas 17.58% of the population is 65 years and over (2020 est.). As reported by Eurostat, in 2020, the median age of the population was 42.8 years old (slightly below the EU average). Furthermore, Romania's natural growth rate is negative (-0.38% - CIA World Factbook, 2021 est.). In 2019, the urbanisation rate was 54.08% (one of the lowest in the EU) (World Bank, latest data available).
Consumer Behaviour
Since the economic crisis, Romanian consumers have remained cautious and tend to adopt responsible and moderate behaviour. Consumers are not devoted to a single brand, but product availability plus an acceptable price/quality ratio are factors that influence the consumption of a certain brand. Consumers are ready to pay a price premium for branded, higher quality products. Recent trends in the urban retail market indicate a clear preference for fresh, branded, attractively packaged products. The concept of after-sales customer service is still developing, but Romanian consumers are increasingly sensitive to the quality of after-sales services in making their purchasing decisions.
While Romania has an Internet penetration rate lower than the EU average (86% as opposed to 91% - Eurostat, 2020), most Internet users are avid online shoppers. Out of the 15.49 million Internet users, in 2021, 72.7% purchased a product online (Global Web Index).
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