Rússia flag Rússia: Entorn econòmic

Estàndards industrials i comercials a Rússia


National Standards Organisations
Test and Certification Centre (in Russian)
Russian Research Institute for Certification
Federal Service for Supervision of Consumers Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor)
Integration in the International Standards Network
Russia is a member of the International Standards Organisation (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML). It is a signatory to the Metre Convention and an affiliated member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation.
In the framework of the CIS, Russia is an integral part of the EuroAsian Council for Standardisation, Metrology and Certification. It is also a member of the European Organisation for Quality, and of COOMET (EuroAsian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions).
Classification of Standards
GOST + 4 figures indicating the rank + 2 figures indicating the technical domain.
Online Consultation of Standards
On-line standards catalogue (Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology)
Certification Organisations
Gost Standard International

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Actualitzacions: July 2024

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