Sèrbia flag Sèrbia: Compra i venda

Identificar un proveïdor a Sèrbia

Industrial and Manufacturing Profile

Serbian industry is very specific and its main activity is sugar processing, the production of agricultural machinery, electric and communications equipment and the production of paper. The textile industry does not have a very significant place in Serbian industries, but consumers choose preponderantly national textiles.

Sector-specific professional associations

41 professional associations listed for Serbia.

Serbian multisector Business directories

Cybo - Serbia business directory

Findbiz.gr - Business directory for Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia

Serbian Business Directory - Business directory of Serbian companies

Yellow Pages - Business directory in Serbia.

Serbian Marketplaces

Sample of marketplaces incorporated in Serbia (A to Z)


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Upcoming Trade shows in Serbia

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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