Uzbekistan flag Uzbekistan : title_atlas__2-gerer-affaire.html


Legal Forms of Companies

Private Limited Company
Number of partners: Minimum 1 shareholder with a maximum of 50
Capital (max/min): No minimum required; UZS 400,000,000 in the case of a foreign participation of at least 15%
Shareholders and liability: Liability is limited to the value of the capital contributed.
Close Public Limited Company
Number of partners: Minimum 3 shareholders
Capital (max/min): No minimum required; UZS 400,000,000 in the case of a foreign participation of at least 15%
Shareholders and liability: Liability is limited to the amount contributed.
Open Public Limited Company
Number of partners: Minimum 1 shareholder
Capital (max/min): No minimum required; UZS 400,000,000 in the case of a foreign participation of at least 15%
Shareholders and liability: Liability is limited to the amount of secured contribution.

Business Setup Procedures

Setting Up a Company Uzbekistan Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Procedures (number) 3.0 5.3
Time (days) 3.0 11.8

Source: Doing Business - Latest available data.

The Competent Organisation
The Ministry of Justice.
For Further Information
Consult Doing Business Website, to know about procedures to start a Business in Uzbekistan.

Financial Information Directories

Dun & Bradstreet - Worldwide directory with financial information on businesses

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Actualitzacions: May 2024

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