Zimbabwe hasadopted the InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards(IFRS).Current tax legislationdoesnot specifythe accounting frameworkthat should be used.The newtaxlawon income advises taht generally accepted accounting practicesbe applied.
Acompany is required toprepare financial statementsat the end ofthe fiscal year.Thesefinancial statements shouldshowa true picture ofthe state of affairsof the company (and its subsidiaries, in the caseof agroup) andinclude a balance sheet.
Publication Requirements
All companiesare required to preparetheir financial statementsannually, regardless ofany auditexemption, andin mostcases,financial reporting standardsare prescribed. Only publiccompaniesand foreign branchesare required to filefinancial statements withthe Business Register,so that they areaccessible to the public.
Allaudits must comply withInternational Standards on Auditing(ISA)and must be carried out byaccountants andcertified auditorswhich are members of ACCA orICAZ.For more informationplease see thewebsites of PriceWaterHouseCoppers, Ernst & Young, KPMG.
Accounting News
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