No. The independence of the justice system is often hindered by political considerations.
Equal Treatment of Nationals and Foreigners
Judicial decisions are often influenced by political considerations. Being a citizen of Zimbabwe is therefore an advantage.
The Language of Justice
In principle many local languages (Shona, Ndebele, etc.) are permitted in addition to English. In reality an interpreter will normally be used because the judges only rarely speak other languages than English, Shona or Ndebele.
Recourse to an Interpreter
Anybody accused of a criminal act has a right to a free interpreter if they do not understand the language used in the trial.
Sources of the Law and Legal Similarities
The laws governingcommercial entitiesin Zimbabwehave their originin the Roman-Dutch lawand containborrowings fromEnglish law.Zimbabweis part of theSouthern AfricanDevelopment Communityof (SADC)and the Common Marketfor Eastern and SouthernAfrica (COMESA).
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